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Series 3

BS3-1. God's Gift To You And The Church 2022

​It has been said that it is impossible to overestimate the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit - for it is impossible for Christians to meet the requirements of the day, to witness effectively and operate in the power of God, without this grace. Indeed if Believers do not yield and receive this gift, they will severely limit their potential in Christ as soldiers of the Cross, so also restricting the fulfilment of God’s will in their lives.

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​BS3-2. Law 2022

There has been much controversy and misconception surrounding the subject of “law.” In this teaching we will establish, briefly, which parts of the law from the Old Covenant have been abolished and which parts remain today. We will also discover how “law” still applies today in New Testament times, and we will examine the benefits of obeying it and the consequences of not doing so.

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BS3-3. Bible Faith And Spiritual Hope 2022

In this teaching, we will briefly look at the subjects “Bible faith” and “spiritual hope” - their definitions, their functions, the relationship between them and their importance in the life of the Christian.

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BS3-4. The Old And New Covenant 2022 

In this study we will learn about the Old and the New Covenants, discovering how the two interlock, and how some parts of the Old Covenant have been fulfilled and so are no longer applicable while other parts remain universally applicable.

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BS3-5. Story Of Creation 2022

​The Book of Genesis is a book of beginnings - for this is what the word means. The first four words, “In the beginning God,” give us the antecedent, the reason all creation came into being, for God, Who always was and always will be, created all that is. Evolution is a theory that denies the Creator and seeks to make sense of the created world from a natural human perspective.

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BS3-6. Season Of The Rapture 2022

This teaching will give you an outline of the history of Israel, showing how God’s dealings with His chosen people form the backdrop to the Rapture of the Church. It will also discuss briefly what is to happen during the time of Tribulation, when, at the end of this age, God’s righteous judgement will be executed upon the ungodly.

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BS3-7. End Times 2022

​In the first study of end times, called “The Season Of The Rapture,” we detailed Israel’s history and the lead up to the Rapture of the Church. Throughout this teaching called “End Times,” we will revise some former teaching and expand on it. We will also go into some detail concerning major events which will occur after the Rapture of the Church takes place, up until the time of the Second Coming of Christ

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00:00 / 02:32


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